Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sayonara Malaysia D-45

Okay. Since I decided to further my eduction at UK, I make this countdown from now on. I want to take down all happenings from my remaining time in Malaysia. I'm actually very excited for being able to study at UK. But I'll definitely miss Malaysia a lot, especially those nice food here where can't found in other countries. 2moro it's my visa interview appointment day. I need to wale up earlier to prepare about it. But actually, there is noting special about the interview. Before this I went to a tb test while I'm sneezing and coughing. Seriously I'm really scared while I'm waiting my result come out. But at the end, I'm NORMAL!!! No TB. Yay =) happy til I can fly.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


I never thought that I will watch Thai movie or drama before. But I don't know why recently I keep searching for some popular Thai drama they known as lakorn. Actually the main reason I do so is my pps faces some problem that I couldn't watch Korean and hong kong drama anymore. So I try to watch Thai. But I found out it actually not bad! And I tend to continue...sometimes thing change unexpectedly and you will never know what will happen in the future although you thought you will not do that now.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hooray...mission accomplish!

words wouldn't explain what i feel now. It was like throw away a huge and heavy stone carried on my hand. I finally pass through my final exam period without any effort put in. Because this year it was slightly different from previous year of my study life. I start to know to prepare exam with less effort. A holy thing so called "huang dao" in our language is just simply fantastic and useful where provide you the answer of all question inside any paper that i sit for.But the only disadvantage of it is you need to be aware and very alert because once to fail to do so and let the invigilator have a chance to proof that you are cheating in an exam, the worse decision ever is your may be barred form the university. Which means although I don't learn much from this year modules, i learn one thing... how to avoid and prevent being catch by invigilator during examination. This is not easy but grate skill and care are needed. But this "huang dao" is just for an safety usage purpose la, means like when u suddenly forget some points or some surprise question coming out that did not cover on your scope of examination and therefore you didn't even bother about it. Some lecture is just that cheap. Like to give some useless information for us and let us fail in our exam just like when i was sitting for my tax and tax planning paper. The lecturer( i cant named it out la) is just holy shit as he told us no intelligence is required for sitting his paper. therefore everyone was like hoah! so nice man... tax should be ok don't worry so much. The lecturer is like breast feeding us. But who knows?! when the real paper come out we were like HOLY SHIT! It was hard! And then when everyone come out all also complain about the lecturer because he said he don't know how a student will fail his subject and if the student really do so, he want call the student go to find him and write a book together with him entitled "how you fail the tax exam". DAMN! It's like recording inside Guinness record Zzz...However, now its time to play like crazy until the max!!! Happy Holiday everyone.

This was the scenery of me preparing for my final exam! I almost everyday stay at McDonald until very late just to prepare this examination. 

I don't know why?! But i really need food in a big proportion during my exam period. And these is some that give me enough energy and make me awake when i facing the blue and white paper in front of me Zzz

After all the thunderstorm, sky will be very bright and crystal clean just like the moment i finished my last paper BUSINESS LAW! The feeling is just so good until i want to shout loudly inside the exam hall!! This is the 1st lunch that i eat after my exam with huge gang of friends.

And we play laser tag after the lunch. I realize life is short but could be so colorful and enjoy, full of excitement. I would like to keep only my holiday planning until the day my next semester commence. Now I'm very excited as my BANGKOK trip is coming soon! Looking forward to it! 

Dear Darlin

This is the new song of Olly Murs. The very first time i heard this song i am addicted to it already. I keep pressing the replay button like non other business. This song is just simply amazing. I like this type of song than won't so party feel and also won't like too sentimental. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Sometimes I was like thinking of when I will success? When I will become a millionaire? When I will become more mature? When when when...there are alot! But I got one answer ONI which is I also don't know @@ I never want my whole life end like that but I also dont have any plan to make my life shine and extraordinary...I won't blame but I will hesitate what I was born to be haiz...nvm coz now I'm the 9% among all human being in the world that can pass through the insane level of hardest gave 2!!! Im too proud of myself haha =P I realise something as if u pay more effort one day u will success xP

Saturday, March 23, 2013


I think I'm gonna die young~ n I m broke now @@ as u can see I like to eat n alot! I think I spend most of my pocket money juz to eat!!! Steamboat, cakes, western, eastern, middle east wat ever as long a it's delicious I would also like to have a try == that's y I m broke T.T haiz...really boring nowadays so I simply write this haha

Workin day

It has been a long time since my last weekend job~ as a student I really don't wanna work but in order to earn money for my Bangkok and Australia trip I tend to do so...

Saturday, December 29, 2012


我一直很想说我很爱你们!自从上一篇博客,夸别一年又再回来的我,已经度过了所谓的世界末日。尽管末日并没有来临,庆幸的是我还有一班死党。一年后的博客我依然在说同一班人马。虽然其间很多事情都转变了,我们组了美食团-「食分玩美」、成了铁三角(忧郁某些原因)、所有人开始了恋情、但是最开心的还是我们终于又在一次聚在一起去旅行了!同班人马、同样性格,唯一不一样地是感觉..每一次的旅行我都当作是最后一次,因为我知道像这样的机会并不会随时就有的。我不知道我的博客会不会有人在阅读,但是我还是回继续写下去,因为重点是我把握想要表达的东西写出来了 =P

Saturday, November 12, 2011


你是我眼中的苹果(You Are The Apple Of My Eye),也就是那些年我们一起追的女孩这部戏在我们口中的称呼。昨天和今天都到电影院看了这部片子,也是我从出生到现在唯一一部在戏院看两遍的电影。也不知道是不是昨天戏院现场比较有气氛,我就觉得我会再看多几次。所以今天就和另外一班朋友到 Subang Perade 的 MBO 看了第二遍。当廖该边和柯景腾出现时我就觉得非常像我的朋友-Kevin Chong 和 Elvin Cheng,当然我是说性格方面,至于样子方面呢我只能说好过该边点啦,但是绝对帅不过柯腾的!>< 总觉得在这么一个特别的日子(光棍节-11/11/11)跟一班你珍惜的朋友去看这部电影是一件很幸福,感动,快乐的事情。这部片子真的有让人回想起以前中学时期的自己,当然也有些画面是甜蜜的。或许10年后我连陈妍稀是谁我都不知道,但是至少我现在是真的非常欣赏这部片的 =)

这班xiao kia就是我在foundation时认识的。虽然只是相识了短短的一年多,但是我们过得比一般人团结,就好像是一家人那样...可能是我多心吧,但是我觉得这班非常活跃的xiao kia都是值得信任,珍惜的朋友!他们有人看完那些年后还说在我们大学毕业时来个aruba就像电影的情节一样。但照我看来我们最应该做的是在有人结婚时把新人绊倒...哈哈 ^^ 话说回来,现在离毕业还有2年时间,希望我们大家都会顺顺利利考完,一起期待毕业那天的到来吧!

p/s: 照片时从虾卷的部落格拷贝过来的 xD

Friday, May 7, 2010

College Life

Once I'm in Taylor's, I felt this is the place that belongs to me or suitable for me =) In here I learn a lot of new stuff and somethings that I never touch or experience before...Not that I already forget u guys in Chong Hwa, I still love u all >< Juz a little transform and changes in my life~ And now I've found some friends that treat me sincere. Many things change under the wash away of time...included friendship~ I'm not emo now...Juz want to cherish the love and concerns that u guys gave me~ to all my fellows friends: I need u and I love you ^^